I come from a long line of wanderers so it is not strange that I go to South Sudan - Now called The Republic of South Sudan - to work at Memorial Christian Hospital. I have been doing this since 2008. The hospital is located in the bush near the village of Werkok. It is northeast of Bor, if you look on a map. People walk, sometimes for days, to get medical care. Dr. Ajak is the Dr. Boss-man. He arrived a week after I did in 2008 and has graciously stayed, keeping the place open and allowing me to continue to visit and work.

Memorial Christian Hospital & Compound

Memorial Christian Hospital & Compound
I will be returning to South Sudan next month, October, 2011. I am very excited to be on my way back to the land I so love. I miss the people and hardly a day goes by that I don't think of my colleagues and friends. And, as I said in the past, I come from a long line of wanderers and the call to get back wandering is very strong!

I have recently added pictures to my blog. Please go to the beginning of the blog and read forward to see the work that is being done. This puts faces on all the people I have written about. Learn about Gabriel and his family, Dr. Ajak's work and all the Mamas. I will begin writing again as I prepare to go next month. I hope you join me on this adventure.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Subtleties of Life

Very rarely in our fast paced American life do we have time to sit and just be.  This morning I am able to sit in the garden at Mayfield, listen to the kids play games, and enjoy the harmonies of the choir rehearsing at the church next door.  My friend, Joe Kadenge, will pick me up at 2:00 pm to do some errands.  I have had him drive me around the last three years.  He is a very famous futbol player, playing for Kenya in the 50's, 60's & 70's.  Off course back then they did not have the big money that they have now.  He drives a cab to make ends meet.  He must be in his 70's.

I was surprised when I entered the dining room.  It was almost completely full.  I sat at a table, recognizing a man I had met the last time I came through Mayfield.  There are many families here.  I believe they are here for a conference.  They are from the mission field, various places.  That is why there are so many children playing in the gardens.  Two of the moms are playing games with the older kids. Also with them are a few Kenyan women who help with the babies.  They carry the babies around on their hips, obviously doing this for a lifetime. I notice when others come near, the babies cling to their "mama" enjoying the softness of their large breasts and soft bodies.  They love each other.  It is very sweet.  Will be back later to finish my day.

I went to Yaya Center with Joe driving me.  He looks good, but I did find out that he has been sick.  His blook pressure is out of control and his diabetes has been giving him fits. It was raining hard today.  Does not bode well for South Sudan.  I can only hope that this is the only rain I will see.

On the way home from Yaya, we passed a car that the back wheel had gone into the ditch.  This was right on a curve.  Joe pulled past them just past the curve on the other side of the street and got out to help her.  It was hilarious.  Next thing I know there are 10 men trying to figure out how to lift the car out and all the time, because of how Joe parked, a huge traffic jam ensued.  I was cracking up.  Finally they got the car dislodged and directed traffic so things were back to normal in no time.  They are crazy drivers here in Africa.

Tomorrow I am off to Werkok.  I am glad I had today to rest.  I took a nap this morning and this afternoon!  What's up with that?  Maybe it was my work schedule before I left.  See you all from Werkok.

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