I come from a long line of wanderers so it is not strange that I go to South Sudan - Now called The Republic of South Sudan - to work at Memorial Christian Hospital. I have been doing this since 2008. The hospital is located in the bush near the village of Werkok. It is northeast of Bor, if you look on a map. People walk, sometimes for days, to get medical care. Dr. Ajak is the Dr. Boss-man. He arrived a week after I did in 2008 and has graciously stayed, keeping the place open and allowing me to continue to visit and work.

Memorial Christian Hospital & Compound

Memorial Christian Hospital & Compound
I will be returning to South Sudan next month, October, 2011. I am very excited to be on my way back to the land I so love. I miss the people and hardly a day goes by that I don't think of my colleagues and friends. And, as I said in the past, I come from a long line of wanderers and the call to get back wandering is very strong!

I have recently added pictures to my blog. Please go to the beginning of the blog and read forward to see the work that is being done. This puts faces on all the people I have written about. Learn about Gabriel and his family, Dr. Ajak's work and all the Mamas. I will begin writing again as I prepare to go next month. I hope you join me on this adventure.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Saturday's All Right For Fighting Bees

Much Better
How do you like my new picture?  See, isn't it different with green.  Today was somewhat lazy.  Saw patients in the morning. Am still concerned about the Old Mama.  She is just not bouncing back very well.  We are almost out of medicine for her.  The young girl with malaria is much better today. Cleaned some wounds and bandaged a young boys leg.  He had three round sores on this lower legs.  I think he fell over a stake that is used to tie the cattle to.  I told him to leave the bandage on for two days and then he had to wash them with water each day.  The cattle camps are just filthy. 

Bee hive on veranda
After lunch I did some wash and then set up a chair in the sun and studied.  I have stuff due on Tuesday after I get back.  It was a perfect afternoon.  A beautiful breeze.  I was in the sun about an hour then the shade of the porch covered me.  I keep thinking that I have to take advantage of the sun - I may not see it until next April.  People were coming and going.  Visitors sitting with me or with the staff, one man came and brought his sheep herd while he visited.  I think we have premium grass here.  When they were going to an area he did not want them to go to, he would sing to them and they would go to another area.  It was really something. 

The bees have started creating a hive on the corner of the veranda.  By noon it was the size of a basketball.  I tried to get into the container with the medicines but got stung.  So that was the end of that task.  We talked a lot about what we should do.  I found a surgical suit that completely covers you and has a plastic bubble hood.  I thought they should get the hive into a bucket and take it far away.  They just told me to "stay here" in the dining hall.  Off they went.  Ten minutes later I hear running and laughing.  I came out and Mawiel and Abraham had stings all over their arms.  I ran and got my tweezers and benadryl.  The hive fell down and spread all over.  We are really in trouble now.  I have no idea where it went or where all the bees are.  But I bet they are mad. 

I am going to try to put some pictures up.  I will see if it takes too much power to do.  So bear with me.


  1. Love the new picture of the grounds, Catherine! Mind those quazy bees!! lymi, oxox

  2. Nothing is easy over there, it seems.
